Thomas Grové

Creative Director
Senior Producer
Combat Designer



I’m a creative director with over 20 years of professional experience working in creative industries. Below you will find some of my career highlights, especially as it relates to leadership, management, and game development.


Career Highlights


As the founder of the Séfu fashion brand, I oversaw all aspects of the business, including the establishment of a workshop dedicated to daily garment prototyping.


At Gameloft Vietnam, I successfully led a team of 90 designers across four studios as the Country Design Manager and Creative Director of their first creation project.


As the 36th employee at Unity Technologies and the first-ever Marketing Manager, I played a vital role in expanding the user base from 10,000 to 250,000 users.


Shipped Games


Pounce KingOkipooiOS, AndroidCreative Director
Puzzle TripunpublishediOS, AndroidCreative Director
Catch That DragonGameloftiOS, AndroidCreative Director
YomiSirlin GamesTabletop/CardGame Designer
Iron Man 2SegaXbox 360, PS3Senior Systems Designer
The Spiderwick ChroniclesSierraXbox 360, PC, Wii, PS2Lead Combat Designer
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD RemixCapcomXBLA, PSNDesigner, Associate Producer
Sega Genesis CollectionSegaPS2, PSPDesigner, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2CapcomPS2, XboxDesigner, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection RemixedCapcomPSPDesigner, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection CapcomPS2, XboxDesigner, Associate Producer
Shrek SuperSlamActivisionXbox, PS2, GamecubeGame Ballance Analyst
KongaiKongregateWeb (Flash)UX Design, Game Design
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD RemixCapcomXBLA, PSNPre Production Design
1942: Joint StrikeCapcomXBLA, PSNPitch Design
Commando 3: Wolf of the BattlefieldCapcomXBLA, PSNPitch Design
Pounce KingCreative Director
Puzzle TripCreative Director
Catch That DragonCreative Director
YomiGame Designer
Iron Man 2Senior Systems Designer
The Spiderwick ChroniclesLead Combat Designer
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD RemixDesigner, Associate Producer
Sega Genesis CollectionDesigner, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2Designer, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection RemixedDesigner, Associate Producer
Capcom Classics Collection Designer, Associate Producer
Shrek SuperSlamGame Ballance Analyst
KongaiUX Design, Game Design
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD RemixPre Production Design
1942: Joint StrikePitch Design
Commando 3: Wolf of the BattlefieldPitch Design

Design Documents


Zelda Boss Battle Design

Assignment: Reverse engineer the design of a boss battle from any Legend of Zelda game and create a design specification document.



Street Fighter IV: Flashback

Genre: Fighting (2 player VS), Action Adventure (Single Player)

Tony Jaa’s Fighting Force

Genre: Fighting (2 player VS), Action Adventure (Single Player)

Directed Works


The Switch Bag

Internal Team Size: 10

After several years of prototyping protective clothing for motorbike riding and rock climbing, I made the decision to redirect our efforts to create the best bag for the Nintendo Switch. My involvement not only included the design direction for the bag itself but so much more, including directing my team’s marketing efforts and working with factory managers and designers to bring the bags to life.

As difficult as making games can be, physical goods manufacturing presents its own unique challenges. Once the fabric has been cut, there’s no turning back. Any mistakes made could result in either shipping a defective product or the need to discard the fabric and start the production process all over again. Despite these challenges, our determination and attention to detail ensured a successful outcome. We launched a compelling Kickstarter campaign and shipped over 1000 bags to customers around the world, reaching every continent except for Antarctica.





Catch That Dragon

Internal Development Team Size: ~30

Catch That Dragon is a freemium game designed for tablets and smartphones, belonging to the arcade fishing/gambling genre. The game incorporates popular freemium economy and social user acquisition trends, along with unique dragon capture systems and control designs. As the director, my responsibilities encompassed guiding and mentoring the team through their inaugural creation project. Additionally, I played a vital role in mediating between the team and the publisher (Gameloft Headquarters), ensuring the team’s vision and morale were preserved while addressing scope and art direction concerns in a collaborative manner.



Catch That Dragonはタブレットとスマートフォン向けにデザインされたフリーミアムゲームで、フィッシングゲーム及びギャンブルゲームジャンルに属します。このゲームには、人気のフリーミアム経済とソーシャルユーザー獲得のトレンド、そしてユニークなドラゴンハンティングとコントロールデザインが取り入れられています。ディレクターである私の責任は、初回制作プロジェクトを通してチームを指導することでした。また、チームとパブリッシャー(ゲームロフト本社)の仲介役として、チームのビジョンと士気を保ちつつ、スコープやアートディレクションに関する懸念に協力的に対処する重要な役割を果たしました。

Additional Director Experiences

In addition to the highlighted projects above, I have relevant directing experience in the following areas:



Indie Games

I’ve created two independent mobile game projects: Pounce King and Puzzle Trip. I directed these projects with smaller team sizes, overseeing the creative vision, gameplay design, and overall development process.


私は2つの独立したモバイルゲームプロジェクト、Pounce KingPuzzle Tripを作成しました。これらのプロジェクトでは、小規模なチームで、クリエイティブビジョン、ゲームプレイデザイン、全体的な開発プロセスを監督しました。

Pounce King Gameplay Footage
Puzzle Trip Gameplay Footage

Interior Design

I have held the position of design director and overall project manager for various interior design projects, including overseeing Unity’s standout presence at the Game Developers Conference (GDC).

  • Directing the design of conference booths that effectively capture the attention of expo attendees, while also considering how the space can be functional for meetings and educational purposes.
  • Forming partnerships to create a pavilion within our booth.
  • Overseeing the creation and production of marketing collateral and promotional items to be distributed at the booth.
  • Coordinating with union labor for the setup and teardown of the booth.



  • 展示会参加者の注意を効果的に引きつけるためにデザインを指揮すること、そして同時に会議や教育目的においてスペースが機能的であることを考慮する。
  • ブース内にパビリオンを作成するためのパートナーシップの形成。
  • ブースで配布されるマーケティング資料やプロモーションアイテムの制作と製作の監督。
  • ブースのセットアップおよび撤去のために労働組合との調整。



I have hands-on experience in every stage of game production, which has given me the vocabulary and knowledge to communicate effectively with all team members. I can engage in discussions about risk and reward with planners, anticipation with animators, logic with engineers, visual contrast with artists, side-chain compression with sound designers, bug reproduction with testers, milestone delivery with the studio head, and our schedule with the production staff. Here’s a summary of my skills and experiences organized by domain:


  • Certified Scrum Master (Agile) with expertise in implementing Agile methodologies.
  • Advocate of the Cerny Method and well-versed in Waterfall project management approaches.
  • Proficient in facilitating communication between game teams and headquarters.
  • Effective in motivating team members through one-on-one mentorship, attentive listening, and team-building initiatives.
  • Skilled in conducting performance reviews, interviews, managing hiring and firing processes, and negotiating salaries.
  • Experienced in managing department and project budgets.
  • Capable of working collaboratively with external vendors.
  • Committed to delivering projects on time and within budget.
  • Proficient in utilizing Excel or Google Spreadsheet formulas for various tasks.
  • Comprehensive understanding of submission guidelines and technical requirements, ensuring successful project submission processes.
  • アジャイル手法の導入に精通した認定スクラムマスター(アジャイル)。
  • サーニー・メソッド の提唱者であり、ウォーターフォール・プロジェクト・マネジメント・アプローチに精通している。
  • ゲームチームと本社間のコミュニケーション促進に長けている。
  • 1対1の指導、傾聴、チームビルディングの取り組みを通じて、チームメンバーのモチベーションを高めることに長けている。
  • 業績評価、面接、雇用・解雇プロセスの管理、給与交渉に長けている。
  • 部門およびプロジェクトの予算管理経験。
  • 外部ベンダーと協働。
  • プロジェクトを予算内で納期通りに遂行できる。
  • エクセルやグーグル・スプレッドシートを様々なタスクに活用できる。
  • 提出ガイドラインと技術要件を包括的に理解し、プロジェクトの提出プロセスを確実に成功させることができる。

  • Creative direction
  • Systems design, especially combat design for action games
  • Design document creation
  • Tuning (responsive controls, game balance, pacing)
  • Tutorial design and player onboarding
  • Pitch development
  • クリエイティブディレクション
  • システムデザイン、特にアクションゲームの戦闘デザイン
  • 企画書の作成
  • チューニング(反応性のあるコントロール、ゲームバランス、ペース調整)
  • チュートリアルデザインとプレイヤーのオンボーディング
  • プレゼンテーションの開発

  • Code comprehension: Capable of reading, debugging, and making modifications to code when necessary.
  • Control optimization: Skilled in filtering controller inputs to fine-tune controls or develop gestural controls for enhanced user experience.
  • Player control and AI: Proficient in establishing player control logic and implementing enemy AI using state machines.
  • Visual scripting: Experienced in utilizing visual scripting tools for rapid prototyping and iterative development.
  • Familiarity with scripting languages: Knowledgeable in scripting languages such as C#, LUA, Python, Javascript, and PHP.
  • コードの読解とデバッグ、および改変が可能です。
  • コントローラーの入力をフィルタリングしてコントロールを微調整したり、ジェスチャーコントロールを作成する経験があります。
  • ステートマシンを使用して、プレーヤーのコントロールロジックや敵のAIを設定することに優れています。
  • ビジュアルスクリプティングを活用したプロトタイピングに精通しています。
  • C#、LUA、Python、Javascript、PHPなどのスクリプト言語に精通しています。

  • Marketing Manager at Unity Technologies
  • Séfu Fashion Kickstarter Campaign
  • Creating marketing materials and preparing special builds for trade shows
  • Proficient in public speaking, both on camera and on stage
  • AltMBA graduate
  • Tracking spending versus conversion on social campaigns
  • Managing conference booths
  • Organizing live events
  • Establishing partnerships and sourcing sponsors for events
  • ユニティ・テクノロジーズ マーケティングマネージャー
  • Séfu Fashion キックスターターキャンペーン
  • マーケティング資料の作成と展示会用の特別なビルドの準備
  • カメラやステージでのスピーチが得意
  • AltMBA卒業生
  • ソーシャルキャンペーンのコンバージョンをトラッキング
  • 会議ブースの管理
  • ライブイベントの企画
  • イベントにおけるパートナーシップの確立とスポンサーの発掘

  • Art Direction
  • Model and texture 3D assets
  • Understanding of anatomy, perspective, lighting, and color theory
  • UX, UI, and graphic design
  • Animation, both 2D and 3D
  • Cinematography and story telling
  • Video editing
  • A working knowledge of all relevant art tools
  • アートディレクション
  • 3Dアセットのモデリングとテクスチャ
  • 解剖学、遠近法、照明、色彩理論の理解
  • UX、UI、グラフィックデザイン
  • アニメーション(2Dと3Dの両方
  • 撮影とストーリーテリング
  • ビデオ編集
  • 関連するすべてのアートツールの実務知識

  • 作曲
  • サウンドデザイン、フォーリー、ボイスアクティング(一例
  • マスタリング / EQ / ノイズリダクション

  • Bug hunting: Actively identifying and documenting software bugs.
  • Creating clear instructions to replicate identified bugs.
  • Issue tracking using industry-standard tools like Bugzilla and Jira.
  • Quality control for Kickstarter campaign’s physical goods: Ensuring high production standards for defect-free goods.
  • バグハンティング:積極的にソフトウェアのバグを特定し、文書化する。
  • 特定したバグを再現するための明確な手順の作成。
  • BugzillaやJiraなどの業界標準ツールを使用した課題追跡。
  • Kickstarterキャンペーンの物理的な商品の品質管理:欠陥のない商品を生産するための高い基準の確保。

Shipping quality games is extremely hard. Here are some other things I’ve done that are also hard, and which give me experiences to draw upon when making games:

  • Summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro: a nine-day trek to the roof of Africa.
  • Launching a Kickstarter campaign and delivering to customers around the world.
  • Completing several intensive Zen retreats (sesshin).
  • Completing a one-week survival course in South Africa.
  • Certified Padi Dive Master.
  • Black Belt in Shaolin Iron Tiger Kung Fu
  • 3 Kyu in Kendo
  • ASA 101 Sailing Certification


  • キリマンジャロ登頂:アフリカの屋根への9日間のトレッキング。
  • Kickstarterキャンペーンを立ち上げ、世界中の顧客に届ける。
  • 数回の集中禅リトリート(接心)を修了。
  • 南アフリカで1週間のサバイバル・コースを修了。
  • Padiダイブマスター認定。
  • 少林鉄虎カンフー黒帯。
  • 剣道3級
  • ASA101セーリング資格

Communication can be challenging, especially when working with international teams that have language fluency and cultural differences. Throughout my career, I have successfully navigated various communication barriers, actively listening to speakers from different nationalities. Here are some specific examples:

  • As the lead combat designer on The Spiderwick Chronicles, I collaborated with animators from Korea and Japan.
  • At Unity Technologies, I directly collaborated with the predominantly Scandinavian management team.
  • During my tenure as the head of the design department at Gameloft Vietnam, I led a 90-person team across four studios. The department consisted mainly of Vietnamese designers with limited English proficiency, while the management team comprised native French speakers with strong accents.
  • While managing the Séfu fashion brand, I worked with fabric suppliers from China and Japan, as well as a Korean factory employing Vietnamese workers.
  • My team in Vietnam consisted of members from diverse backgrounds, including Vietnamese, American, French, Spanish, Polish, and Australian individuals.
  • Having lived in Japan for the past four years, I engage in daily interactions conducted in Japanese.



  • 「The Spiderwick Chronicles」のリード戦闘デザイナーとして、チームのアニメーターは韓国と日本出身でした。
  • Unity Technologiesでは、スカンジナビア出身のマネジメントチームと直接協力しました。
  • Gameloft Vietnamのデザイン部門責任者として、4つのスタジオで90人のチームを指揮しました。部門の大部分は英語が苦手なベトナム人デザイナーで構成されており、マネジメントチームはフランス語が母国語であり、強いアクセントがありました。
  • Séfuファッションブランドの運営中、中国と日本の生地サプライヤー、ベトナム人労働者を雇用する韓国の工場と協力しました。
  • 私のベトナムのチームには、ベトナム人、アメリカ人、フランス人、スペイン人、ポーランド人、オーストラリア人が含まれていました。
  • 過去4年間、日本に住んでおり、日本語を使った日常的なコミュニケーションを行っています。



Here are some of the great people I’ve had a chance to work with.


Mayan Ariel

Head of Design at Snax Games

Mayan was my cofounder at Okipoo, which was an independent studio we ran for one year at the start of the pandemic. 

Thierry Lecat

Vice President of Production – Advertising & Brand Partnerships at Gameloft

Thierry was the Studio Head while I was the Creative Director at Gameloft Vietnam.

David Sirlin

President of Sirlin Games

I apprenticed under David for several years to learn the fundamentals of game design and collaborated with him to bring Yomi from concept to reality through a thorough physical prototyping process. It won Dice Tower’s Game of the Year award. 

Duncan Watson

Assistant Director, Engineering at Universal Studios Japan

I did sound design and voice acting for Duncan’s independent animation project and we play board games together about once per month with our sons. 

Ray Gresko

Founding Partner at Blue Silver Studios

Former Chief Development Officer at Blizzard Entertainment. I worked under Ray at Stormfront Studios where he taught me what it means to be a game director. Truely the best to learn from.

Christian Calderon

CEO of Superfine

I helped Christian get oriented to the development scene in Vietnam when he first moved there. Since then he’s been an informal advisor and a guest on my podcast.